With the Easter holidays fast approaching, a popular topic of conversation amongst travelling families is always ; “Shall I bother taking the pushchair?”

As a holiday nanny, I have had the experience of travelling with a lot of families and can give you an honest answer. “Yes, absolutely!” Even if it only gets used at the airport, I would always recommend taking a travel buggy away with you, especially now with so many ‘z’ folding travel buggies available on the market.

Why should I take a travel buggy away with me?

  • It makes travelling with small children less stressful
  • No run away children!
  • Some adapt to car seats.
  • It will take up less room in your boot
  • Your child can nap anywhere
  • It will free up your hands when travelling
  • Cooler than having them in a carrier/sling
  • Some fit in the overhead locker
  • You can take longer walks when exploring a new city
  • Gives you the option of taking them out for a later dinner
  • Avoids your day-to-day buggy getting full of sand!
  • It can double up as a shopping trolley for much needed beverages!

Top tip:

If you are travelling to a ski resort, also pack a sling, or ask your chalet if they can arrange for an ‘all terrain’ buggy or child carrier to be hired or borrowed for the week. Travel pushchairs are a nightmare in a snowy ski resort! In resorts such as Avoriaz, ski shops also rent sledge buggies, making it easier (and fun) in the deep snow.

Travel buggy Review:

When choosing a travel buggy, budget, purpose and durability are some of the key factors to be considered. From personal use and research, I have compiled my top 4 travel buggies. If you have had the experience of using any of these, or have other recommendations, then I would love to hear from you.

Red Kite Push me cube stroller

  • Light weight
  • Easy to steer with a compact ‘z’ folding design
  • Can be stored overhead on a plane and easily in the boot
  • Great value for money, includes accessories such as a raincover, umbrella and carry bag
  • Suitable from birth as it lies flat, allowing baby to sleep safely. *May need some extra padding
  • Doesn’t have an adapter for a car seat or rear facing option
  • Fabric and sun shade aren’t machine washable
  • Fabric doesn’t have accredited sun protection

For a second buggy I would recommend the Red Kite, for value for money. If you travel a lot, have a house with limited storage, or enjoy city breaks then I would definitely recommend this pushchair. The Babyzen might be the ‘super yacht’ of travel buggies, but it does come with a price tag!

Babyzen Yoyo+

  • Fantastic for high flying globetrotters!
  • Easy ‘z’ fold design
  • Fits down the plane aisle and stores in overhead locker
  • Unfolds one-handed, as well as steers
  • Washable fabric and SPF protected hood
  • Can be used from birth, but at the added cost of adding the newborn pack
  • Highly recommended by anyone who can afford the price!
  • Very streamline, small wheels and shopping basket

Mountain Buggy Nano

  • A well known durable brand
  • Lightweight ‘Z’ fold design
  • Great basket for shopping
  • Durable foam tyres
  • Compatible with most car seats, but you have to purchase the adapter kit
  • Suitable from birth, when adapted
  • Double check with airline if this buggy is allowed as hand luggage
  • The mountain buggy has an innovative range of accessories, including winter ski adapters!
  • Cheaper than the Babyzen, but expensive accessories.


Silver Cross Zest Pushchair

  • Classic travel buggy folding system, if you don’t want to take the buggy on board.
  • Suitable from birth with full lie back option
  • Roomy seat
  • Lightweight and compact
  • Extendable hood with UPF50 sun protection
  • Inclusive rain cover
  • Long standing pushchair manufacturer!