Why take a holiday nanny away with you this winter?

Who else is dreaming of a ski holiday this winter?

If you missed out last year, so don't miss out this year! I have been dreaming about ski holidays ever since mine was cancelled back in March and I'm sure like many of you, Covid-19 has understandably left us all with an air of uncertainty for the upcoming winter season. I'm remaining positive and still planning a ski holiday next Easter and Vacation Nannies are also taking bookings and more than happy to chat over any holiday nanny enquiries you may have.

Here are the top six reasons why you could benefit from taking one of our ski nannies on holiday with you this year:

The top benefits of hiring a Vacation Nanny this winter.


Ski nanny in France

They travel with you to your destination

Whether you choose to travel by car, plane or train - The nanny will accompany you on the journey from your home to the destination.

They can work flexible hours

You can request for the nanny to work flexible  day-time hours.

Ski school run

The nanny can take charge of the ski school runs (Absolute bonus!)


Resort nanny



"One Last Run"

ONE LAST RUN! No need to rush back when you have a Vacation Nanny on hand!

Evening babysitting

You have the added luxury of an in-house evening babysitter for any impromptu nights out.

Keeping safe

If you wish, the nanny can restrict who she is socialising with in the resort, keeping you as 'covid safe' as possible throughout your stay




Hiring a ski nanny

Covid-19 booking procedures 

We have a Covid-19 booking procedures in place, so if you have to reschedule or cancel your booking we can offer you a refund or postponed booking.

By taking a ski nanny on holiday with you, you will have the perfect balance of a family holiday and a pre-kids ski holiday!


If you need anymore reasons to hire a ski nanny, or worried about travelling during Covid, click here to find out why taking a holiday nanny away with you might be a safer childcare option for your family this winter.


Alternatively, please feel free to call or contact me, Charlotte by email for more information:

Charlotte@VacationNannies.co.uk | +44 7477 286 971


To stay Covid safe this winter, France Montagne have shared some helpful information on travelling to ski resorts this winter over on their website - click here

Meet Leia, our travelling teaching Nanny

At Vacation Nannies, we have a professional and enthusiastic team of travelling nannies registered. Our travelling team are not only qualified nannies or students with a passion for creativity, sports or travel, they may also come from a teaching background - Such as our London based nanny Leia

"I aspire to be a fun, enthusiastic, creative teacher"
Meet Leia, our travelling teacher who is passionate about travel, music and creativity. Doesn't she sound like the perfect nanny to accompany you on your family holiday? 
Why did you choose to register with Vacation Nannies?
I have worked as a Primary School Teacher for the past 2 and a half years and although teaching is a very rewarding job, I always wish I had more time to spend getting to know each child. As much as I absolutely loved teaching and my school, I found myself with itchy feet! I wanted to see the world, go on adventures, experience new cultures and meet new people! I found myself searching sky scanner every day on my commute to work for cheap flights in the holidays. I then started to wonder if there was a job where I could fulfil both of my passions. And that’s when I found Vacation Nannies.
"If you do what you love, you never work a day in your life."
How will your skill of being a Primary teacher help travelling families? 
As a Primary school teacher in London, I have experienced working with children and families from a wide verity of backgrounds and find building positive relationships with children is something that comes naturally to me. Whilst looking after children, you will find me singing, dancing and encouraging the children to experience new things - All of which I'm also passionate about for my own self development. I aspire to be a fun, enthusiastic, creative teacher as I find this gives me the ability to keep children engaged for long periods of time. As a teacher I have to be well prepared for the day ahead, but also have the ability to think on my feet when things don’t go to plan. As you will know children can be unpredictable at the best of times, so when they are out of routine on holiday these skills of flexibility and creativity come in very useful. The positive behaviour management strategies I have practiced as a teacher; I am able to adapt to use as a nanny. This enables me to keep your bundles of joy both safe and happy.
If you had to choose your favourite holiday location, where would it be?
Lagos in Portugal! I personally love exploring a new place at every opportunity but this is one of the few places I am more than happy to go back to time and time again. The beaches are stunning; the food is delicious, ‘Coffee and Waves’ being a favourite! I am an aspiring yogi and surfer so Lagos is the perfect place to learn! I equally love picking up the pace and exploring bustling cities such as NYC- I love its energy and Rome- the history around every corner! And of course the food- bellissimo! I could not answer this question and not mention my love for being in the mountains, especially in the winter. Here I feel so calm and content. I love snowboarding and was lucky enough to travel to the Alps last winter to work as a holiday nanny -I can't wait to have the opportunity to return as a nanny next year. 
Why do you love to travel?
I enjoy making new connections with people from all over the world. I relish any opportunity to experience new cultures, learn about their history, try the different foods, listen to new music and sounds of city and nature. I feel so grateful to be able to do all of this as a job and am a great believer that ‘If you do what you love, you never work a day in your life’.                     

If you have a holiday to look forward to out of lock-down and would like more information on booking a holiday nanny, please visit website for more details. Alternatively, if you're a nanny looking for work, please apply by clicking here
From travelling teachers to HNW nannies, we have a nanny to suit every family holiday!
Stay patient, we will be allowed to travel again soon!

Vacation Nannies joins you on lock-down

It's been a while since I shared any news regarding holiday nannying bookings because sadly this Covid-19 pandemic has caused me to temporarily pause any bookings for the safety and well fare of my team of nannies and also clients.  I'm so grateful for everyones understanding during this challenging time.

Rather than feeling upset that everything has ground to a halt, I have tried to be grateful for what I have achieved. Thanks to my lovely team of reliable nannies and loyal clients, I have had a great first year of business and can't wait to work with you all again in the near future.

Instead of letting both agencies sit to one side until it is safe to travel with families again, myself and my team of nannies have decided to think of ways we can help keep you and your children entertained whilst we are on 'lock-down.' We have therefore created an interesting and interactive blog on my sister site Weekend Nannies.

Throughout the coming months we going to be hosting weekly themed activity blogs, music sessions and a whole range of other tips and advice for you and your family who are keeping safe at home.

If you would like to find out more information, then please visit the blog page, where you will also find the first instalment of 'Weekend Nannies Presents - All things Rainbows' with the very talented Alice Phelps, who will be providing us with weekly themed music sessions to hopefully add a bit of cheer to your household.

Grab the scarves, shakers and best singing voices folks!

Stay home and stay safe.

Have you heard of an in-flight nanny service?

Vacation Nannies cater for a whole range of enquiries! From families looking for a holiday nanny, to a weekend nanny in London, to help whilst travelling for business, but have you ever heard of a family requesting an 'in-flight' nanny'? This is a nanny service that many clients don't know exists! Whether it's for business or pleasure, we have Vacation Nannies who specialise in assisting parents during a flight, or who can fly solo with infants to the required destination.

We had a catch up with Emily, our highly trained and experienced 'Norlander', and she has kindly answered a few questions about her specialist 'in flight nanny' service.

Why did you choose to register with Vacation Nannies?
I often have rest breaks between jobs but I like the variety my job can give me working with different families in various situations . I have cared for a few babies now where air travel to foreign countries was part of the job and I have also taken babies from their birth country back home and settled them in. I’ve really enjoyed this aspect of the job and Vacation Nannies, as the name suggests, would give me more opportunities to help more families with their babies on flights.

How long have you worked as a nanny? What is your nanny background?
I have been a Nanny for 20+ years, having qualified as a Norland Nursery Nurse in 1995, I have spent my whole career caring for babies and young children gaining wealth of experience along the way. I have, over the last few years, spent more time dedicated to the care of newborns and travelling around caring for infants in various destinations around the world - this has been a great learning experience as I work alongside parents with different ideas on baby care, health and safety. As a child and even into my days at Norland, I lived and travelled all over the world, jumping on the plane comes as easily to me as catching a train or a bus. It’s not something I do to experience it or to travel, I do it because I am comfortable with it and know I am an asset to a family.

How will your skill of being an 'in flight maternity nanny' benefit new mothers who travel for business?
It’s not a perk or a treat to travel with babies on an aircraft. I’m just working in a different environment. It can be more stressful with an unsettled baby and I think for mothers having an inflight maternity nurse with them helps them to feel more at ease and they can enjoy their flight more. They can use this time to prepare for meetings, rest or to just unwind.To be honest, unless a mother is breastfeeding, I’m usually the main carer on board and don’t see much of the parents at all.

How do you help parents prepare for a flight? Do you have any tips?
New parents normally like to ask questions about what it’s like to travel with their baby and what they need to buy. You don’t need to buy anything special to travel with a baby. Just be sure to ask for a seat with the bassinet when booking and be sure to reconfirm you have that bassinet seat on check-in. I 'babywear' in most of my positions and I find, for me, this is the best way to travel with babies. There is no hassle with a pram. I have a backpack with all the items I need for the flight which stays within easy reach during the flight and I also pack a cabin wheelie bag with extras just in case, especially if the suitcases don’t arrive or are lost on the way to the destination - which has happened. I tend to keep the baby in their familiar routine if possible, I use their blankets in the bassinet and bring a couple of familiar books and toys. I talk and sing to babies a lot and the sound of a voice can be all the entertainment and soothing they need. If the mother is breastfeeding I do have her feed her baby during take off and landing, this is very helpful for the ears and soothing for both mum and baby. During the flight if the baby is unsettled, if possible I'll walk up and down the aisle or stand by the galley and normally there are the wonderful crew who love to chat and play with the baby too and gives the babies something to watch for a while. But the biggest thing is to remain relaxed, enjoy the experience and attention and if the baby cries and is fretful to remember, it’s only one flight and you will not see the passengers again! Don’t try and shh the baby for the passengers, just help the baby

Do you travel in the cabin with them? Do you fly solo/are you happy to fly solo ?
Generally when I travel with families, we all sit together in the same cabin, whether that's club or economy. I have also travelled long-haul alone with children and am comfortable with that, you just need to make sure you have all the right documents and signed letters from parents for immigration. And yes, I have also travelled by private jet and that is a whole different experience of travel!

Why do you love to travel as a nanny? 
I love travelling myself, I love being pampered and feeling relaxed on board a flight and I think it’s nice to have someone else experience that too. I am confident with both travelling and caring for babies so why not use my skills and provide them in the air to parents who would benefit and appreciate the help. I often see parents with babies on flights and sometimes feel like I’d like to ask them if they’d like me to watch their baby for an hour or two while they get a moment to eat a meal and rest or even watch a whole movie! - but then have to hold myself back as I’d probably get a very strange look. I wish they could know, I’m a dab hand at this baby care!


Thank you Emily for taking the time to answer our questions, it sounds like every family needs to take Emily on board with them!

If you are interested in hiring an in-flight nanny, or a parent who needs help with their children whilst travelling for business, then please email Charlotte at Hello@VacationNannies.co.uk



Meet Lottie, our travelling nanny sleep specialist

At Vacation Nannies, we have professional and enthusiastic travelling nannies registered and all with a special skill or talent to share with the children they care for. Our nannies are usually sporty, art enthusiasts or travel addicts, but we have one nanny who has a skill every family wishes for from a nanny who is going to accompany them on their holiday, an early years sleep specialist! Meet Lottie, an early years consultant who specialises in 'sleep' and works as a holiday nanny.

Why did you choose to register with Vacation Nannies?

What first attracted me to register with ‘vacation nannies’ was due to the fact
that it would give me the flexibility to concentrate on my business ‘Lottie Hanes
Early Years Consultancy’ but still kept open the opportunity of working 1:1 with
children. This is important me as I have a love of working with children in the
early years. Charlotte’s agency was the perfect option for me as it also gave me
the chance to travel the world. As soon as I spoke to Charlotte on the phone I felt
that this was the perfect agency fit for me. It was highlighted that she really
wanted the best for her nannies and really cared about each placement she

How will your skill of being a 'sleep specialist' help travelling families? 

I believe that having a nanny abroad that specialises in ‘sleep’ is advantageous
for a family as it can be a tough transition for children whilst on holiday. Firstly,
sleeping in a new environment as well as the added excitement of the holiday
itself. Furthermore, jet lag can be a huge issue when travelling further a field.
Having a nanny that has the knowledge and skills to deal with this would make
the bedtime routine run smoothly enabling the parents to have the option to
enjoy a quiet evening childfree but having the confidence that everyone was

I have always wanted to do something specialised that would enable me to
support families in the community as being a parent is hard work although
immensely rewarding. Whilst working in a suburb in North Leeds as a nanny to
six bright and wonderful children it became clear that ‘sleep deprivation’ was on
many parents agendas. From this experience I wanted to be able to have the
skills to support these families. So I went on to train in this specific area to add to
my existing BA Early Childhood studies. However, I am constantly training to
enhance the skills I have and gain further knowledge.

If you had to choose your favourite holiday location, where would it be?

My ideal holiday location would be the sunshine. I am a sun worshiper!

Why do you love to travel? 

I love travelling because it allows me to learn about new cultures and try their
cuisine. I think traveling for children is an amazing opportunity to learn so much
and being a part of that as a nanny is fabulous.


Thank you Lottie for joining the Vacation Nannies team and we're looking forward to working together this summer.

To keep up to date with useful information related to early years, follow Lottie on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lottiehanesconsultancy/


Thinking about hiring a holiday nanny?

Have you ever thought about hiring a holiday nanny? Families book a holiday nanny to join them on their family holiday, to help keep the children entertained whilst they enjoy some time away.

The Nanny has been specially selected and matched with the family to make sure they will bond with the parents and children, which is so important for a temporary position. A lot of families who have never booked a Nanny before can be unsure of what is expected from a holiday Nanny. Here is a list of what a Nanny might be able to help you with, whilst you are away on your family holiday.

A Holiday Nanny can….

  • Help throughout travel day, on the flight, at the airport, in transit etc. But please remember the Nanny will be as tired as you are if they have been on a long haul flight!
  • They can be on hand for any daytime activities, such as swimming, the beach, walks, sledging, arts and crafts etc. The Nanny should have activities prepared in advance to keep the children entertained.
  • They can help out with mealtimes, preparing or cooking for the children.
  • They can help with bath and bedtimes, morning and night
  • They can provide evening babysitting
  • They can share a room with the child, the Nanny will need to be notified if this is the case.
  • They can help out with light housework, children’s laundry and tidying up after the children.
  • They can help with homework
  • They can become their friend and someone who they can trust to share their thoughts with.

Nannies hired by Vacation Nannies are all flexible, friendly and happy to offer help whenever possible. If you would like to find out more information on booking a holiday nanny why not drop us a line or call to discuss your plans?

Supporting Oliver's Travels campaign for dedicated family lounges at UK airports.

The Easter holidays are well under way throughout the UK and about to start in Yorkshire, so I’m sure there’s going to be lots of families jetting off to sunnier, or snowier climates this weekend. What parents honestly enjoy the experience of being at an airport with young children? I have witnessed from travelling a lot as a nanny and for pleasure that it requires a lot of organising, patience and quite often bribery!


Oliver’s travels, a luxury villa holiday specialist, have shared their petition over on Linkedin and we are big supporters. After extensive research they have found that travelling families often feel they are poorly catered for at many UK airports. The luxury holiday specialists are hoping their campaign and research will make airports aware of how poorly parents and their children feel they are catered for and will encourage them to see that there is a market for designated family lounges that parents are willing to pay for.  After all, holidays start at the airport so why not make it as stress free and enjoyable as possible, for every member of the family.


As a well travelled holiday nanny I can confirm that many UK airports don’t cater well for families and better family friendly areas and paying family lounges would be hugely popular, especially at bigger airports. From my experience, the ‘first class’ lounges are not child friendly and the airports that do have child friendly play areas are often dated, germ ridden and don’t cater well for the parents. So I’m sure clean, interactive and comfy family lounges will be welcomed at all airports.


If you would like to read more about Oliver’s Travels campaign and sign this petition, please follow the link https://www.change.org/p/uk-airports-improve-the-facilities-available-for-families-at-airports-across-the-uk?recruiter=937676623&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=share_petition


What is the best travel buggy to take on family holidays?

With the Easter holidays fast approaching, a popular topic of conversation amongst travelling families is always ; “Shall I bother taking the pushchair?”

As a holiday nanny, I have had the experience of travelling with a lot of families and can give you an honest answer. “Yes, absolutely!” Even if it only gets used at the airport, I would always recommend taking a travel buggy away with you, especially now with so many ‘z’ folding travel buggies available on the market.

Why should I take a travel buggy away with me?

  • It makes travelling with small children less stressful
  • No run away children!
  • Some adapt to car seats.
  • It will take up less room in your boot
  • Your child can nap anywhere
  • It will free up your hands when travelling
  • Cooler than having them in a carrier/sling
  • Some fit in the overhead locker
  • You can take longer walks when exploring a new city
  • Gives you the option of taking them out for a later dinner
  • Avoids your day-to-day buggy getting full of sand!
  • It can double up as a shopping trolley for much needed beverages!

Top tip:

If you are travelling to a ski resort, also pack a sling, or ask your chalet if they can arrange for an ‘all terrain’ buggy or child carrier to be hired or borrowed for the week. Travel pushchairs are a nightmare in a snowy ski resort! In resorts such as Avoriaz, ski shops also rent sledge buggies, making it easier (and fun) in the deep snow.

Travel buggy Review:

When choosing a travel buggy, budget, purpose and durability are some of the key factors to be considered. From personal use and research, I have compiled my top 4 travel buggies. If you have had the experience of using any of these, or have other recommendations, then I would love to hear from you.

Red Kite Push me cube stroller

  • Light weight
  • Easy to steer with a compact ‘z’ folding design
  • Can be stored overhead on a plane and easily in the boot
  • Great value for money, includes accessories such as a raincover, umbrella and carry bag
  • Suitable from birth as it lies flat, allowing baby to sleep safely. *May need some extra padding
  • Doesn't have an adapter for a car seat or rear facing option
  • Fabric and sun shade aren’t machine washable
  • Fabric doesn’t have accredited sun protection

For a second buggy I would recommend the Red Kite, for value for money. If you travel a lot, have a house with limited storage, or enjoy city breaks then I would definitely recommend this pushchair. The Babyzen might be the ‘super yacht’ of travel buggies, but it does come with a price tag!

Babyzen Yoyo+

  • Fantastic for high flying globetrotters!
  • Easy ‘z’ fold design
  • Fits down the plane aisle and stores in overhead locker
  • Unfolds one-handed, as well as steers
  • Washable fabric and SPF protected hood
  • Can be used from birth, but at the added cost of adding the newborn pack
  • Highly recommended by anyone who can afford the price!
  • Very streamline, small wheels and shopping basket

Mountain Buggy Nano

  • A well known durable brand
  • Lightweight ‘Z’ fold design
  • Great basket for shopping
  • Durable foam tyres
  • Compatible with most car seats, but you have to purchase the adapter kit
  • Suitable from birth, when adapted
  • Double check with airline if this buggy is allowed as hand luggage
  • The mountain buggy has an innovative range of accessories, including winter ski adapters!
  • Cheaper than the Babyzen, but expensive accessories.


Silver Cross Zest Pushchair

  • Classic travel buggy folding system, if you don’t want to take the buggy on board.
  • Suitable from birth with full lie back option
  • Roomy seat
  • Lightweight and compact
  • Extendable hood with UPF50 sun protection
  • Inclusive rain cover
  • Long standing pushchair manufacturer!


Top tips for flying with kids

The second wave of half term hits the airports this weekend, who is dreading the flight with their little ones? Charlotte Clay, the founder of Vacation Nannies and experienced in-flight nanny has put together some top tips to help you prepare for your journey.

There’s no such thing as being over prepared when it comes to flying with kids!

I have travelled internationally as a holiday nanny and will confirm that you can never be over prepared for a flight. Whether short haul or long haul, being organised and prepared for every eventuality pays off! Firstly, the choice of bag! Keep your hands free by using a backpack rather than a shoulder bag or pull along. This makes it easier at passport control and pushing the buggy etc.

  • What’s inside the bag?

I would recommend packing more than enough nappies/pull ups, just in case your baby decides to have an unexpected ‘poonarmi’ or to avoid the panic of your older child having an accident on board whilst the seat belt sign in on!

Wet wipes, as we all know wet wipes are a saviour! Depending on how many children you have, pack at least one full pack. Not only are they handy for freshening up, they are also useful for wiping down surfaces and spillages, etc.

Plane food is pretty revolting, so pack a bag full of snacks and food incase they don’t like their meal, you don’t want a hungry child on the plane! Depending on your snack rules, which I find are often broken on travel days, a top tip for avoiding ear pressure would be to let your child have a lollipop,  this will help to avoid any earache on take off and landing and also a good way of bribing them into sitting in their own seat. I’ve also travelled with parents who sometimes hide their child’s favourite treat, which they have chosen, in their bag! After all, happy children equals happy flyers!

As well as snacks, children need in flight entertainment. Small (quiet) toys, puppets, books etc are great for babies. For older children colouring books, sticker books, magnetic snakes and ladders and good old fashioned games such as eye spy are my favourites. It’s also a nice idea for the kids to have had some pocket money to buy themselves a new sticker book for the journey, that way it’s nice and exciting for them. However, we all know how well a screen works, so make sure the tablet (and portable charger) has lots of favourites downloaded and the headphones are to hand.

I’m going to pass on a great tip from a Mum I travelled to the Caribbean with, I was the nanny for her four girls, ages 13 months to 7! All full changes of clothes were neatly folded into large resealable food bags, which acted as vacuum packs. These slim line bags were named and neatly ‘filed’ into the bag making them easily accessible and flat. For babies, I would pack more than enough baby grows and cardigans, making sure they are clean, comfy and warm/cool enough.

If your child has been feeling unwell, make sure all medication such as Calpol, ear drops and any inhalers etc are to hand. Also, flight attendants are highly experienced with dealing with unwell passengers, so make them aware if you are worried about the health of your child. I recently flew to Thailand with Emirates and they were immediately on hand when a child fell ill.

  • Minimise kids hand luggage

Depending on the ages of the children, I was once advised by a well travelled Dad to minimise the kids hand luggage. Yes, it’s great to let children pack an exciting plane bag, but when you have 4 children, you could be at risk of them packing all sorts and you ending up carrying it! Keep it simple by packing one backpack with all the kids entertainment in. 

  • Make sure you are check in early

Make sure you have checked in online and printed off the boarding passes to make it easier when you arrive at the airport. It seems that the only way of sitting together these days, is by pre booking, so make sure you check your airline. If you are flying as a family allow plenty of time for traffic, emergency toilet stops, nappy changes, toddler meltdowns.. You name it and I’ve probably witnessed it! There is nothing worse than any additional stress on travel day. 

  • Take a break on long haul

You might be desperate to get to your final destination, but 11 hours on a flight with kids could quite possibly send you and fellow passengers crazy! Stopping for a few hours makes a good opportunity for the you to stretch your legs and the kids to make use of the play area and burning off some energy. The flights are also often cheaper when you stop on route.

  • Look after yourselves

Travelling with children can be stressful, so please also make time for yourself  by trying to get a good nights sleep, staying hydrated and making sure you also have some good in-flight entertainment.

  • Do you think you might need help?

If the idea of travelling with your child or baby is too stressful, we have specialist nannies who are highly experienced travellers. They can either accompany you for the duration of your holiday, or be hired as your in-flight nanny.  Please email Charlotte for more information on this tailor made package.


Dinoski kids ski jackets

Top tips to help you prepare your kids for ski school

It’s almost half term and the pre ski holiday panic has set in. What do the kids need for ski school?

Ski school with kids can be stressful. From dressing them to finding them after, the key is making sure you have done your research and the kids are dressed appropriately.

Top tips to help you and your kids prepare for ski school.

  • It’s all about layers.

Make sure your children are wearing good thermal layers. I would recommend a vest, long sleeve thermal top and thermal trousers all tucked in; so they don’t get chilly and a fleece as a mid layer. Rugby skins make a great thermal layer, or Mountain Warehouse have a good quality and affordable range.

  • Accessorise!

All kids have to wear helmets, so rather than a wooly hat I would recommend a long snood or balaclava when it’s cold. Buff have a great range. These can be nicely layered under the helmet and tuck down into their collar, keeping their neck and chin nice and warm. There’s nothing worse then chin freeze! Waterproof gloves are a must. If you have money to spend, Barts do a great range of novelty gloves.. This could be a good way of making sure they stay on! In very cold weather gloves liners will help keep their hands warm.

  • Looking good on the slopes!

Dinoski wear are bringing another level of cute to the mountain this season with their ‘roarsome’ winter wear for kids. These all-in-one suits are perfect as there is no chance of any snow getting down the waistline. Keeping your kids toasty warm on the mountain all day long. The ears and bright colours will also make them easy to spot at ski school collection, which is super helpful at half term!

  • Ski boots!

I’m not going to lie, ski boots and children can be a nightmare! Here’s a top top tip: Start with good quality ski socks pulled up so it’s nice and smooth, thermal layer bottoms pulled up; so it’s not inside the ski boot. Ski boots can be hard to get on, I find it’s easiest to un fasten all the clips (so the boot is nice and loose) pull the tongue up (to widen the top) and ask your child to slide their foot into the boot, whilst you hold onto the tongue, and stamp. As easy as that?!

  • Don’t forget a snack!

Skiing is hungry work, so I would recommend popping a little sweet snack in your child’s pocket for their snack break. It’s also a good idea to have one on hand for the ski school pick up, when they are tired and in need of a quick sugar fix!

  • Tissues and a lip balm in their pocket

It can get really cold on the hill and a runny nose isn’t very nice. I would put a small pack of tissues and lip balm in their pocket, so they don’t get a sore nose and chapped lips.

  • Childcare emergency.

In the unlikely event your child gets lost, or ski school need to phone you in an emergency. I would recommend putting a contact card in their pocket; with your number and your chalet and any childcare details.

  • Ski School

Depending on which resort you choose to visit, there are many English speaking schools to choose from. In Morzine there’s a large range including Billski and Avoriaz Alpine Ski school. Both run by Brits and excellent with children. Most larger chains also have English speaking ski instructors, so it’s always worth researching which will be the most suitable for your child.

Think you might need a nanny to help you? Please contact Charlotte 

information for nannies

Top 5 Travel tips for all Vacation Nannies

If you are about to embark on your first ‘holiday nanny’ job role, we’ve have compiled 5 top tips to help you survive and to help you provide the best service to your holiday family.

1: Be prepared for anything and everything!
As a holiday nanny, it is so important to be prepared and to make a good impression. You should know the ages and sex of the children you are going to be caring for, so I would recommend creating an activity/craft bag for the trip. My bag usually contains colouring, cut and stick materials, travel board games, Dobble, a few books, stickers, play-doh and bubbles. All of these items are fairly small and light, so they don’t take up much room in my bag and provide endless amounts of fun. If you would like to gain some serious brownie points; A plane friendly activity bag, for the travel day, is also a great way of keeping children entertained on a long haul flight and distracting them away from the screen

2: Communicate with your family
After your interview, the next time you meet your ‘holiday family’ will be on the first day of your trip. So, therefore, it is so important that you communicate with your family. The agency will pass on the details of the family and it is really encouraged to ask any questions you might have before you go. Questions such as; children’s interests, have they had a nanny before, dress codes, are you going to be sharing a room, are you going to be expected to drive? All of these are really important questions to cover because it helps you and the family feel prepared for the trip, and it will make the family feel reassured to have such a thorough nanny who is taking an interest in finding out about the family post trip.

3: Dress appropriately for the style of job
I learnt on a recent holiday nanny job how important it is to ask the family if they have a dress code to follow. This job was classed as a ‘VIP’ job in the Caribbean, so when I was gathering my normal ‘nanny beach clothes’ together; shorts, vest and beach dresses, a friend, who is an experienced worker on a superyacht, suggested asking the family if there was a dress code to follow. I was so pleased I did ask because they asked me to wear ‘boating’ wear, such as a navy polo shirt and khaki short combination and to dress modestly. So, therefore, I bought a rash vest and swimming shorts to wear in the sea.

Initially, I was very self-conscious of my uniform, as I had never had to follow a dress code before, but the feedback I got from the family was so worth it. Even though I ended up being the only nanny wearing a smart uniform, I felt and looked the part, which made me feel confident whilst working alongside high-status guests.

So in conclusion to this, it is always worth asking the family if there is a dress code to follow. You can never sound or be too prepared for a holiday nanny vacation.

4: Be flexible and muck in
Sometimes a job of a holiday nanny isn’t just playing with the kids, swimming with them, taking them to the beach. Some parents really do love the opportunity to spend special times with their children doing these activities too! So, therefore, you should be ready and flexible to offer any kind of help when you may feel at a loose end. As It is quite common to find yourself with suddenly no children to look after! Depending on your package, being child-free doesn’t always mean you can put your feet up, you should use your initiative and have a scan around to see if anything can be done. Children’s laundry, meal prep, bath time prep etc, small offers of extra help never goes unnoticed, and you will reap the rewards at the end of the holiday with a fantastic reference and maybe a tip!

5: Be happy
Work with a smile! There will be moments where you might be feeling fed up, but you have always got to remember that it is only for a short duration, and you will never have to see them again, after saying goodbye at the airport! I find it helps to take your exercise gear with you, so you can fit in a run or a HIIT workout, or go for a power walk with the pushchair to get some head space. I like to treat Nanny holidays as a retreat. You’ll most likely be somewhere beautiful, possibly hot, with fresh food and no alcohol consumption! So just embrace the whole experience, you will always come home with a story to tell!

How to have a stress-free ski holiday with kids

I’m not going to lie, family ski holidays can be stressful, expensive and you will no doubt wonder what on earth you are doing as you are trying to carry all the children’s gear, and them, trying to find the ski school!

However, you can avoid these stressful situations by researching family friendly ski resorts and find a chalet company who will have everything covered. Ski resorts such as Morzine are keen to welcome children of all ages to the slopes and have a fantastic range of English speaking ski schools and catered chalet companies for you to choose from.

Chalet companies such as AliKats, a multi award winning chalet company set in the scenic area of Montriond, organise everything from the airport transfer to ski hire and a private chauffeur to and from the slopes. For ultimate relaxation, they can also organise a masseuse to come to the chalet. Not only do Al and Kat make sure you have a fantastic holiday, they also make sure you never go hungry! The hosts cook up fabulous hot breakfasts to get you piste ready and at the end of the day you always walk into an Alikats chalet smelling the delicious aromas coming from the kitchen.

Kat, the co-owner and head chef, takes great pleasure in planning delicious meals using ingredients that are locally sourced, free range and seasonal for you to enjoy. We have sampled some of Kat’s dishes and can confirm, the food really is ‘ridiculously good’!

So, I know what you’re thinking. How can we relax and enjoy all of this whilst on a family holiday? You have a number of options, there are creches, private nanny companies or you can hire a Vacation Nanny to accompany you on your holiday. Helping on transfer days and be the in-house babysitter. How very decadent!

This option may sound very personal, but in a shared catered chalet this option can work brilliantly and help take the stress away. A ski holiday as a family is a place where fantastic memories are made and an activity you can share together in years to come.

Suggested ski schools:
Avoriaz Alpine Ski School 

Chalet mention:

Why should I hire a holiday nanny for our next family vacation?

Before I started working as a holiday nanny I thought it was quite a strange concept, taking somebody away with you, to help you look after your own children, on possibly the only big family holiday of the year? It seems a bit unnecessary, yes? So why would you need a holiday nanny?

Let me tell you why hiring a holiday nanny might just be the best thing you have ever done, and you might never be able to holiday without one again!

Whilst family holidays are something to treasure and make treasured memories from, there are many aspects that can be found quite stressful, especially when there is more than one child involved. Starting at the airport; dealing with the luggage whilst trying to make sure one child doesn’t run off, juggling the baby whilst you’re sorting out your hand luggage, waiting for your transfer in a sweaty unconditioned airport whilst one of them is having a tantrum. That is to name just a few of the many hurdles you have to deal with and you haven’t even arrived at your holiday destination yet, never mind the extra pair of eyes you could always do with by the villa pool.

Holiday Nannies can be worth their weight in gold. They let you have those lie-ins you’ve been dreaming about, lazy days by the pool, and enjoyable outings together, without any of the attendant whining. All of these reasons are why hiring a holiday nanny is a great idea.

Having a holiday nanny helps you take away the worries and stresses that might come with traveling with young children. You won’t need to find a local babysitter or worry about the children enjoying Kids Club. You’ll have someone to help you with meal times and the dreaded suncream application, not to mention witching hour. With a nanny at your disposal, you can be as flexible as you like with the comfort of knowing you have an experienced, professional nanny helping you look after your children in the comfort of your holiday home or villa.

A holiday nanny is different to an everyday nanny, she is there to be your child’s play-mate and your right-hand help. There are lots of different packages of care available, the nanny can work during the day to help you entertain the children, or she can just be there for the early mornings and late afternoons and evening help. Holiday nannies are there to offer flexible care on your holiday, helping to make sure it really is an enjoyable one.

If you would like to find out more information about booking a holiday nanny for your next family trip, why don’t you get in touch with Vacation Nannies? Helping families find their perfect holiday nanny.

Morzine, why is it so good for families?

Over the years, Morzine is becoming the number one favourite resort for families in the Alps. Not only is the resort beautiful in the summer and winter months; there’s also something to offer for every family member.

Morzine boasts having a huge playground for adults and children. Skiing, sledging, mountain biking, hiking; the list of family fun activities are never-ending. And with the airport transfer time being only 1hr 15 minutes, it’s even more appealing for young families. I remember four-hour transfers to resorts as a child. I’m not sure how my parents coped or carried on taking us on ski holidays!!

As more and more people are visiting Morzine and finding it hard to leave, the British community is ever growing. This has resulted in a great network of British companies offering ski school, transfers and childcare services. Making it much easier for English speaking families to organise their trip hassle-free.

If you find your ski time is limited to ski school hours, why not think about hiring a ski nanny? Vacation Nannies will not only provide you with a private ski nanny, they will also be your in-house nanny for the whole duration of the trip. They will have been hired via our agency, you will have had the choice to meet them for an interview, and they will start off the booking by accompanying you and your family on the journey from the UK.

Once you have arrived at the resort, and depending on the childcare package you have chosen, they will be available for daytime and evening babysitting, whilst you enjoy what a ski holiday has to offer.

Nannys top-tips for getting your child to stay in bed!

Whether you’re a Nanny or parent; Bedtime, or witching hour as I like to call it, can be a nightmare. Children try every trick in the book to divert bedtime, and as a Nanny, I’ve heard them all!  Whether they are ‘hungry’, ‘missing Mummy’, ‘needing a wee’, the list goes on and it’s usually always an excuse to not go to bed!

Children need routine, especially on weeknights if they have school the next day. A good evening routine to follow would be; some outdoor play early evening or some indoor play/ limited television/screen time before supper, supper, a calming bath, story time and bed. Obviously, we all know that it never goes as smoothly as that… Especially with toddlers who have just been transferred from a cot to a ‘big girls’ bed.

So here is an outline of a simple bedtime routine you should follow, being consistent and staying calm is the key!

  1. After the child has had their bath, you should take them into their bedroom, where the curtains have already been drawn and the bedside lamp/’Gro Lamp’ is on, creating a calming environment for the child to start getting them ready for bed. All excuses have been covered; teeth brushed, toilet trip covered, beaker of water is next to the bed, their comforter is in the bed. Anything you think they might ask for, try to cover it before they get into the bed.
  2. Once they are all in their pyjamas and if they are old enough, let them choose two or three short stories they would like you to read. If you have more than one child, maybe let them choose two each?
  3. If your child like having some warmed milk at bedtime, let them snuggle into bed with it whilst you start reading them their stories. Once the final story is over, you make it clear that it is bedtime now and that they need to shut their eyes and dream of whatever it is they love doing. A lot of children I babysit for have a ‘Gro company Gro Clock’ for Sleep training. This is a really good way of trying to make them understand that it is now bedtime and when the sun comes up, they can get out of bed. It’s amazing how well it can work.

With toddlers who are just starting to get used to being in a bed, it is expected that they will keep getting in and out! They see it as a game, but you must not let a game be created.

Here is how:

  1. The first time they get out, explain to them it’s bedtime and lead them back to their bed, make them comfy and make sure you and they remain calm, then leave after giving them a kiss/cuddle good night.
  2. The second time, do the same as the above but a little firmer. Don’t sit down on the bed with them, just tuck them back in and leave.
  3. The third time, which will most likely not be the last time. Lead them straight back into bed and tuck them up without saying anything. (You may end up being sat outside the door for a while!) Keep repeating this until they learn they must stay in bed. Don’t lose your temper, or start conversations with them, as they will keep getting out and create a game from it. I had the experience of looking after a little boy who loved getting out of bed, sometimes 10 times before he would finally go to sleep, and I learnt that the less attention you gave him when he popped his little head out, the fewer times he started getting back out of bed. The transition from bed to cot is a real novelty for them, so it is natural for them to want to explore, but you have to persevere with your routine! Don’t let them start sleeping in your bed!!

If all of these routines don’t work, you can’t beat a good old awards chart! Especially if they are siblings, as they love to compete with each other. I have seen these charts work really well for families with children who won’t stay in bed. There are templates on line, or you can make your own.

There are lots of forums online to also help, so keep up to date with blogs such as ‘MumsNet’ which always has lots of helpful advice and discussions.


Here is a link for the Gro Clock:

Keeping babies safe in the sun

Keeping babies safe and comfortable in the summer heat can sometimes be quite challenging. Whether you are inside or out, you need to choose clothes which are lightweight, loose and made from a natural fibre such as cotton. This is to avoid risks of the baby overheating and developing a heat rash, or in serious cases, heat stroke. Overheating can be fatal and linked to sudden infant death syndrome, a fatal sleeping disorder (SIDS).  

It is recommended that you dress your baby similar to how you are dressed, so if you are only wearing shorts and a t-shirt, then dress your baby in a similar weighted outfit; you can always add layers such as little trousers and a long sleeved shirt or a wide-brimmed hat to shield their face. Don’t be fooled by cloudy days, harmful rays can still pass through the clouds,

Here are some tips of my top tips to stay safe in the sun:

Stay out of direct sunlight

It is advised that babies should stay out of the direct sun between 11 and 3 and a wide-brimmed hat is worn at all times to protect their face, and help keep their head cool. A sunshade umbrella is also recommended for the pushchair, not a blanket or sarong tied and draped over the pushchair, as this could make the baby overheat.

It is also quite a nice idea to have a little paddling pool set up in the shade for the baby, as this way the baby is able to have a fun splash around and stay cool at the same time, never leave the baby unattended.

Keep hydrated

Babies under the age of 6 months should stay hydrated through the formula they are drinking, or breast milk. If the baby is loosing fluids to perspiration, it is recommended to replace lost liquids with extra feeds or formula. Babies usually drink up to 50% more in the hot summer months.

Baby carriers

If you are using a baby carrier, make sure it is a lightweight one, as the baby will be at risk of heating from your body heat and being restricted in the baby carrier.

Reapply Suncream regularly

Babies skin is extremely thin and delicate, so they should always be kept out of direct sunlight. If you take the baby swimming, you should apply at least factor 30 waterproof suncream on the baby. Please be aware that some baby skin can be extra sensitive to this type of cream, so when they are not in water, use normal suncream for baby sensitive skin, without forgetting the ears. Always remember to suncream the entire body, as a normal t-shirt only has the SPF of around 5.

Irritable skin

In the heat, babies often suffer from irritable skin due to hot and humid weather. You may find red blotches or a rash in the groin, neck or folds of their skin, sometimes at the back of their knees too. To help relieve the rash, give the baby a cool bath and dress in loose cool clothing and apply baby powder to the area. Make sure the room the baby is sleeping in/playing in, is kept well ventilated.

Sunburn is extremely serious with babies if this occurs apply a cool towel and seek medical help.

I hope that all these tips help you keep your baby safe whilst you enjoy your family holiday. If you would like any more childcare tips, PocketNannies often post lots of interesting childcare related topics and top tips.
